Roseville: Imagine Roseville 2025 Visioning

Client: City of Roseville, Minnesota

Community Visioning: Conducted comprehensive community visioning project for the City of Roseville, a robust and strategically located first-ring suburb committed to making insightful redevelopment and development decisions.

Worked with the Council-appointed steering committee and a number of topic-specific community groups:

  • Identified and analyzed stakeholders, including those who were underrepresented in the city’s decision-making
  • Gathered ideas and from diverse range of stakeholders, including youth, newcomers, families with young children, people of color, businesses, commissions,  elders, neighboring governments, major institutions, and others
  • Articulated key community values
  • Conducted workshops to identify and agree on community goals, strategies, and vision
  • Validation session open to the entire community to review final draft content prior to final revisions
  • Kept the Council and all staff informed and actively engaged

Click here for the final Roseville 2025 report, and here to see the City’s ongoing work.